So,back with a bang ! Let me just say, was not in the mood to write and express anything for quite some days.But today's journey back from office, it was magical ! Had a late start in the evening from office, so the journey started off, with the sun all ready to bid farewell and a cool breeze flowing, with the added hint of a rain..magical would be an understatement.Added to it, i was listening to this one tamil song which has been caught in my mind for quite some time now.The magic of SPB's voice ringing in my ears from my mobile.. i am still not quite sure if i was singing out loud [i got a few weird looks from my colleagues in the bus when i got up to disembark from the bus!]. Totally taken away from the present. One of the few moments in my life when i loved the silence in my head and lived in the present. After this exhilarating experience, i have gotten into this mood to speak something out. ..so well here goes...
But write what..now that's a big question. Nature? Rain? Romance? Nope i am not the person to write about all those [:)]. I will only kill whatever magic rests in those words. So yes i will go for a topic which is going to pull me out of this enthralling feeling and get me back on my feet!
Hmmm.. this is going to be one ridiculous post...cause i am not getting anything sensible to write about! So i am going to dedicate this post to time. The time on my right wrist !
So what's the big deal if you wear your watch on your left wrist or the right? or dont wear one at all.This might seem impossible. For instance, my father is one person who can never do without a watch on his wrist. From the time i can remember, even before my father comes for breakfast, be it a holiday or a week day, his faithful titan watch is strapped onto his left wrist. And this is never taken off till he goes to sleep. I started off my journey with time,with my first digital watch [i just cant recall the brand name :(]. My first watch, black with a pink digital display,gifted to me when i was seven. [Though all these years with a watch by my side has done nothing to improve my punctuality!].Then,the many stints in my life with time, progressed with different brands and colors of watches. Gradually i realised that watches are an obsession with me. Till date, first few things i notice on people are their watch, shoes and finger nails ;).Trust me, they speak volumes about people [so far never been wrong there!].
Eventually, i wanted to be different in my watch craze and around the age of twelve, i started wearing my watch on my right wrist.Must admit,being a right handed person, i struggled quite a bit to get it strapped onto my wrist properly.But this was just for the intial few days. Till my college days, my fancy watches have been sincerely on my right wrist,until one day when a friend refused to talk to me cos of the watch in my right hand. Pretty disturbed, i asked her why it should bother her so and prompt came the reply that - people who wear watches on their right wrists are stubborn and arrogant and with an attitude.Now i was intrigued! Attitude, yes probably.Because what initially started off as a crazy fancy to be different and cool, over the years, built some kind of comerade-ship in me.When i see people who had watches in their right wrist, i felt a sense of oneness, a feeling of being out of the ordinary[;), indeed yes, i outgrew this,before long].But at that time, to pacify my friend i tried surviving with my watch in my left hand and it was the worst few days of my life i tell you ! I always believed that appearances and attire dosent make a person, but harsh lesson learnt...wrists and watches do!!!! Till date i could never find any logical explanation for it, but to cut short the story.My watch is back where it belongs - My right wrist!!!
And i dont know if a right wristed watch makes a person stubborn and arrogant or whether a left handed one makes a person cool and great.. all i know is .. i am happier with time in my right hand! And so leaving behind the obsession of wrists and watches and moving onto just watches...i live on !!!
AAhhh..feet finally back on ground.. Its 12:15 am on a friday morning and i am wide awake.. If i wasnt so scared of the dark, i would probably be out enjoying the downpour and the cool breeze..But for now i am trying to get a wink of sleep so that i dont end this week on a sleepy note... yawwnnnnnnn!
Seeing the subject I was wondering what we could write about wrist watches.. But reading this post, i feel that there is pretty many things about that small thing which we have in our hand... I was recollecting what was/is my association with Wrist watch and also clock (in one way) .. Me too will write some day and I will link that post to this one :)
Keep writing deep.. I really like your style of writing .. Free flow of words .. very comfortable to read .. :)
Thank you so much maam ! glad to hear it !
hey .. tis was really nice.. you know what, have you noticed.. i wear watch on my right wrist and trust me ppl have asked me so many questions and told me to wear it on my left wrist but i m so stubborn tat i dont feel the need to ans them.. I started wearing watch for the very 1st time when i was in 8th and it was on my right wrist :) coz one of my fav teachers in school used to wear it on her right wrist... from then till date its always on my right wrist and its gone be tat way ...
and i agree with most of the things you wrote abt watches:)
trust me if i tnk of you 1st thing that comes to my mind is the swatch watch(if i m not wrong) on ur right hand ;)
And S watches.. they talk a lot abt the person.. watches r my obsession too.
* tho I hate gold plated watches . I cant stand them
hey archi.. thank u..
Yup my swatch.. My beige swatch watch !! right now badly in need of a new strap..That's been one of my most prized posession till date !
ditto.. even i hate the gold plated ones.. the metal ones.. now those have a class of their own !
Lets team up.. right-handed watcher's :)!
I have to say this.. Even I wear my watch on my right hand..I too notice the brand first, if its a chronograph or not and so on.... And here i was thinking I am the only person hu z finicky enuf to notice these small things ... I have a wild collection of watches,[coz i am craazy abt them... hav blown away truck loads of money on them..;)] but neva eva thot of writing a Blog on Watches...Creative !!!
Amaazing flow of thots.. and beautifully put up.... Thanx for the Inspiration !!! Dont charge me with copyright infringement if I start off on the same topic... ha ha ha... :o)
Great article.
I also wear my watch at right. I onced had it left, but my GF (now wife) made me switch.
Our kids have it right too of course!
Hi Martin..
Thank you .. :)
So thanks to your wife..thats four more additions to my 'right-handed watchers' group ;)....
hmmm...i guess i don need to say more after the discussions we had :-)....but this is one post which i could connect the most...
Nice article... Im nt a grt collector of watches but still i wear 'em on my right wrist n i was so fed up wid ppl askin me to wear it on my left,I need it on my right wrist n its nice to see a lotta ppl here supportin d right wrist.
Cheers ;)
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