Like someone rightly said, the best things in the world comes in the smallest package and right now i just cannot agree more.
A pair of tiny curled up fists, two tiny slits in the face from which looked out the most innocent pair of eyes, a near bald head with few tufts of fur [not hair really!!] staying tangled up here and there, tiny feet kicking the air around and the most wonderful part - the aroma of a new born, these are what welcomed me as i walked into the hospital room to see you for the first time.
I am not intending this to be a bollywood style filmi masala post, but maybe years later when you do drop by to read your aunt's blog, do remember to stop at this post and know that she still feels the same love for you as she did when she was composing this post for you!
Babies are always special. I have always wondered seeing mine and my brother's baby photos 'Now..how in the world did something so small and cute like that grow up to be something like this !!' Let's see how better you are going to fare ryan ! :) But for the time being i just remember you as two day old baby covered up in a blue towel and making cute lil gurgling noises in your crib.
Nope, you are definitely not the first baby i am holding, not the first baby to hurl your curled up fists at me. There have been plenty of wonderful cute babies around, but you came when i was at a age to realise that a baby is just not another source of entertainment in the house, but infact a new realm of life which can transform the life of the parents and the entire household, a responsibilty so big and new, a creation solely belonging to the parents and no one else! For the first time in my life, i was looking at a new life with a much more deeper sense of understanding. Well...if you are confused, let me just put it simpler..your aunt just admitted she is getting mature!
Anyways, i know i looked into your eyes and told you that i do really love you.. and you returned my love with a huge yawn [I must say..for a 2 day old..you definitely gave a huge yawn!]. I spent hours sitting by your side and watching you sleep.You definitely dreamt a lot those days!After a while i lost count of the number of times you smiled, frowned, whimpered and pouted in your sleep.Though for the life of me, i still can't imagine what a 2 day old baby has so much to dream about !! In all our lives together ,i am sure to have pestered you to tell me about those dreams if you do still remember them..and i reiterate the same statements here - do post it as your comments in here !
I really loved hearing you bawl, which was very seldom, since you were a pretty well behaved baby and preferred sleeping away the entire time [way to go boy!..now that definitely shows we are the same blood!!] But the few times that you did cry, i have stopped rhea and your dad from consoling you immediately.. atleast not until i knew that your cries are still resounding in my head.
Everytime i held you in my arms, i could feel your heart fluttering away through the towels wrapped around you and i have always whispered in your ears that i promise to be careful with you in my arms.I realised i have never held something so pure ever before.
The aroma of your powder soaked towels and the baby oil and your baby smell, those were what i call the 'scent of life'.If your mom ever looked around for your one day old baby socks, actually just a sock, tell her its still safely tucked away in my bag :) !
I dont know what it is that your tiny feet or fists or your little eyes did, but you definitely bought a new meaning to life for me, with just your presence.
Your addition to my life has made me open my eyes to the reality around me and realise that life does move on...................
I love you, my lil ryan baby.........
Congrats Ryan's aunt.. This was a beautiful post. Could make out the essence of it, clearly. Have a great time... Loads of love for the kutty prince... :)
Shooo Cute .. Ente deyvammey ..What feelings ..
I will definitely write about my feelings as a mom ..Deep, wait for that.. :)
Another gud one!! Congratulations on becoming a mature aunt :-).
A nice post dear . Keep up the good work
Thank you all !! :)
Hey Ryan Congrats and welcome to this amazing studio – ‘the life’, Your aunt has woven you a beautiful piece of felicitation by displaying her superb vocabulary of English, honesty and her ability of capture every minute details of anything without hurting the innocence of things the she captures.
I enjoyed reading every bit of it and felt as though I was there when Ryan was born!!! Good one Deepthi.
thank u kiran..thats such a sweet comment !
life is a complex weave of things that we understand, things that we dont and things that we're not supposed to ... u see one tiny miniscule detail of it that you never realized before and u're overrawed by ... u're one step closer to being a better human :) ... congrats ..
n to u lil ryan ... welcome :)
hey deepthi....
gr8 post!!
This is not the first time I am readin or hearin about just how wonderful havin a new born baby in the family is... But i think as u put it.. this was posted around a time when I was mature enough to appreciate its true meaning :-)..
Once again... good one :) and Congrats on becomin an Aunt!!...
Beautiful and touching. Going through I felt like seeing Ryan in person. You have put forth everything in such a manner. The first sight, the aroma, the fluttering heart, the bawl .... good narration. My Hi to Ryan! Wishes to the lucky aunt for such a post.
@genius - yup ! i think i am one step closer to being a better mature human being ! :)
@swaps - mature enough to appreciate the true meaning of a new life.. i liked that statement! @gopalakrishnan -For a 2 day old, these are pretty much the activities they indulge in...so i guess i could sum up Ryan's day in a post :).
@all - thank you all for the wonderful comments here ! I am sure Ryan would love reading these comments too :) !
One of the best...
I loved these lines....
....I realised i have never held something so pure ever before.
If your mom ever looked around for your one day old baby socks, actually just a sock, tell her its still safely tucked away in my bag :) !
Thank u :)
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