"So what's your plan for new year?"
Ever been bombarded with this question almost like a month away from December 31'st? Why? Why is this a matter of life and death at the end of each year? And for heaven's sake, why would i decide what my plans for the entire year is just cause its the end of one year. I wish that, atleast, people would remember to add the word 'Eve' at the end of their question.Dosent it make more sense to ask 'So what's your plan for new year's eve'? And isn't that a much simpler question to answer than to try and chart out what might be a probable answer to a generic question regarding my plans for the entire year?[Pretty complex statement isnt it? ;) ].
I am not trying to extinguish this huge fireball of energy which has just sprung up in everyone, but honestly does it really matter so much for one year to end and for another to begin? And further more, given the scenario in today's world i dont really expect to see anything great in the coming year.In fact i am sad that a nice year is coming to an end and a more uncertain one is going to come in. Do i hear you ask me a 'Why'? Well, here's why..
All companies are dreading that fateful day when the previous year's performance results are read out .
The market is plunging right down like there is no end to the depth of the earth.
With Lay Off's becoming a common talk,i hear that people have come to dread the color pink [black is more in! Mourning is the feel for the day..everyday!].
Moving onto more general topics for more depression, as rightly observed by a friend of mine, we are in for a struggle next year.Banglore is facing a dire dearth of electricity.Being winter now, we still have close to 4 hrs of powercut every day despite being in the heart of the city. Want to bet for what's in store for the summer? Hotter burning days, no water, no electricity.One comfort would be to spend as much time as possible in office, in the cool airconditioned rooms and unlimited internet surfing.But who is giving the guarantee that one would still be having the claim to what's called 'Your place in office'? Pretty bleak isnt it?
Well, for a really optimist person, we decide to put all these disturbing facts at the back of our head and just head off to party away and welcome the new year with a blast. Are we spared there? Entry charges to most parties cost anywhere between 2500 to 8500 Rs for a couple for the night [Till 4500, food and drinks are not included].This much, for the same food and drinks we get to drink on any other day for less than half the price? As if this isnt enough, Seperate entry charges for male and female 'STAGS'.While a couple gets an entry for 4500 Rs,a male stag is charged around 3500-4000 and a female stag ends up paying somewhere close.So ultimately, one ends up paying a fortune for what isnt really worth it, with a hard realisation being thrown at the face that one more year has passed and you are still miserably single and lonely!!!!!!
Whatever's happened to 'Saving for a rainy day'?
I have pondered a lot over whether i should see the cup half empty or half full! Still confused and unable to decide. Any suggestion folks?
Inspiration for this post - Had logged in to my orkut account in the morning and what do i see in the 'Today's Fortune' section?
The guy who reads your fortune was fired. Until we hire a new guy, go visit a friend's album
Cool ain't it? [ ;) ].
So for all you folks out there.. Enjoy it while it lasts.Just change the reason for the partying ..Lets not party to welcome in a bleak and uncertain new year. ..Lets party for the wonderful year that we are leaving behind and thank it for all the lovely memories and people it gave us!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: The prices mentioned afore is just an assumed rounded off figure and is subject to change.
And yes, i am all set to party my new year's eve away!!! [ ;) ].....
Also, i am awfully sorry i could not upload the picture of the christmas tree in my room,as promised, solely cause i am unable to transfer it to my comp from the mobile as i lost the cable.For those of you who wish to see it, its saved in my mobile [ :) ].